Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Goals, New Resolutions

Happy 2012, dear readers! It may be our last year on earth, if the Mayans are correct, so let's live it up!

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? I do, but I have to admit that I've had a hard time keeping them in the past. So, now, I do a little cheat when making my resolutions. I make resolutions that I actually think I'm going to be able to keep. Does that count? I don't know, but I always feel good when I can actually accomplish something. So, I set reasonable goals. ;-)

This year I've set three resolutions:

*To become more familiar with sci fi (reading and watching)
* To do yoga twice a week
* To learn a new word every day

So far the sci fi and the vocabulary have been smooth sailing. I purchased some sci fi at Half Price Books and I've been watching The X Files. No problems there. New words? Also not an issue. There's an app for that. I can see the yoga tripping me up, but I need to do it. New Year's Resolutions are supposed to be about self improvement, right? They aren't supposed to be totally easy.

2012. Let's do this. Namaste.

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